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Online Class Bundle

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Now: $95.95
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The Complete Collection of Tantra for the 2020s
Innovative Experiential Tantra Classes With Top Quality Production

All of Source Tantra's new premier video productions, at a discount:

Intimacy Meditations For Two, Vol 1: Practices For Friends and Lovers

Intimacy Meditations For Two, Vol 2: Harmonizing Moods and Energies

Intimacy Meditations For Two, Vol 3: Heart Opening Practices

Intimacy Meditations For Two, Vol 4: Transforming The True

White Tantra Laya Yoga 1: Breathing, Meditation and Energy Poses

White Tantra Laya Yoga 2: The Inner Game


Want to experience Tantra? These classes are not your every day zoom lecture, they are practices for you to develop your understanding of energy, connection and a state of union. Each classes builds upon skill sets that will impact the way you love for the rest of your life.

All of these products have taken metaphysical Tantric tools and used todays technology to help you experience what use to take yogi's years of practicing to achieve.

Intimacy Meditations for Two was designed to help couples that loved what they experienced at our seminars, but had trouble finding that type of connection once they returned to their busy lives. Have you ever felt shut down or blocked emotionally, but deep down in need of deep connection? When you wait until you are in the mood, instead of actively releasing your blocks you stay closed. In Tantra we believe in conscious loving, making a commitment to stay open to love and to come back to love.

White Tantra Laya Yoga is designed to activate your kundalini energy and to direct the energy of love inwardly. These classes are meant for those who seek something deeper out of their yoga practice. To become a master of energy transmission, first you must master your own energy. These classes are the best tools out there to do so.